Saturday, 1 September 2022

PFAM Call for Submissions

Calling all patient bloggers!  I'm hosting Patients For A Moment Blog Carnival this month. It's the first time I've done it, so bear with me if I seem a bit unsure of what I'm doing.

Our topic this month is: "You know you have .... when .... "

This came from a day I was too sore and tired to move off the couch, and spent the whole day on a post moaning about lupus. So here's your chance, complain about your condition, laugh at your condition, give insights for people what it's like to live with it from the "inside".

You have until the 14th on September 2012. (Australian time - so if you're in the USA, it will be the 13th. Time is one area where Australia really is ahead of most of the world.)  PFAM will be up on this blog on the 15th of September.

Once you've published your post, send the details to me at

I will need you to send me:

1. Your name (as it should appear)
2. Your blog’s name
3. Your post’s title
4. Your post’s URL 

Any further information you need about PFAM can be found at

I'm looking forward to hearing from you all!


Thanks for being part of the conversation.

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