Tuesday, 8 July 2022

Apology, if needed

This message (sender's name deleted) was sent to the Sometimes, it is Lupus Facebook account....

I can't believe you people call yourself christian and you denying other religion into your group telling them they make you sick the fact that they practice another religion ill like to know what kind of bible you own I tought this was a free religion country telling people tey make you sick because they pagan a real christian would try to convert you are out. Of respect sickness has nothing to do with religion, or gender, or color I hope you get hit so God doesn't preach that you are fully ignoran and stupid and you certainly not preaching the bible you are holy mother...

Now, while I don't make a secret of my personal faith, I certainly don't intend to disrespect anyone of any other faith.

The only thing I tend to censor as it comes into the Sometimes, it is Lupus social media pages or in comments on the blog, is when people give "advice" that suggests lupies should abandon their medical treatment (especially without consulting their doctors.)

While I was in hospital chaplaincy, I worked as part of a multifaith chaplaincy department, and I would hate to think I have disrespected anyone's strongly held faith.

If I have done so, I apologize unreservedly.

1 comment:

  1. The Swiss Cats8 July 2022 at 18:10

    I cannot remember having read such things on your blog or any of your social medias.... I rather remember how many times you are respectful of other people and other opinions ! Claire


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