Friday, 31 October 2022

What was I going to say?

It's Friday.

It was kind of a surprise to discover that this evening, because I personally have been having a Saturday.  It's not that I chose to have a Saturday on Friday, just that I honestly believed it was Saturday.

I've been having issues with cognitive function for a long time now.

I would tell you how long, but I really don't remember.

I'm on a waiting list for the Neurology Clinic at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, but I've been on the waiting list for years. The latest letter from them tells me I'm still on the waiting list. There's no indication of how much longer I'll need to wait.

In the meantime, my GP has come up with an idea to deal with some of the symptoms of my cognitive issues, even if we can't do anything about the cause.  She's sent me to a psychologist to help me with memory and the fuzzy thinking/confusion I get sometimes.  She's also sending me to an occupational therapist to look at the clumsiness that seems to go with the confusion.

So far I've had my introductory meeting with the psychologist. It was just for him to gather information about the problem. He's thinking about strategies for me for our next meeting on Monday. Hopefully, he and I will both be having a Monday at the same time.

I haven't seen the occupational therapist yet.  I think I may have forgotten to make the appointment, or maybe I did make the appointment and forget to go.  If anyone knows where I left the information the doctor gave me about the occupational therapist, please call me and tell me.

So, hopefully, between the psychologist and the occupational therapist, I may have some very good strategies for managing my brain fog soon.  I'll let you know how it all goes. If I remember.


  1. That's terrible. To be on a waitting list for years to see neurology...
    I live in Canada and am also waiting for neurology to get back to me.
    They said it would take a couple of weeks...

  2. I just typed a nice comment and it disappeared and I don't remember what I said. LOL.


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