Wednesday, 7 January 2022


I've started the New Year with a definite plan.

I'll try hard to take care of my diet, and to do a little bit of exercise.  If I fail, I won't beat myself up over it, and will just try again the next day.  I'm going to do what's good for me, without worrying about the number on the scale (because prednisolone and any number of other things affect that number any way.)

I'll try to keep on top of my work around the house and garden, so I don't have lots to catch up. But, if I don't get to keep up with everything, I'm OK with that.

I'm not going to stress about what I don't get done.  If you visit me and the dishes aren't done, don't be surprised. (The carpet will be vacuumed - my son does the heavy jobs.)

I will rest if, and when, I need to, and I won't feel guilty about it.

I will try to build some relationships with other lupies locally. (I've already arranged a get-together for the Lupus Association Queensland, at the end of February, so lupies who live in this area can meet up.)
Most of my life, I have been mostly interested in caring for other people.  This year, I'm aiming to learn to care properly for me. (That doesn't mean I will forget everyone else.)


  1. Hooray :-D sounds like a great plan Iris :-D I know that is hard to do but very important for Ur sanity and health xoxo

  2. Hooray!! Sounds great Iris!! I know that is very hard to do but is important for Ur sanity and health xoxo xoxo

  3. That sounds like a very good plan Iris ! Best wishes for 2015 ! xoxo Claire


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