Brain: I'm so exhausted I can't fire another synapse. Righto team. This is it. Lungs, a few deep relaxing breaths if you will, muscles, just relax and release everything. It's all good.
Left Shoulder: Sorry to interrupt, but I'm hurting.
Brain: Muscles around left shoulder, try tensing and then relaxing. Better?
Left Shoulder: No. Hurting. Pain pain pain pain pain.
Brain: Sorry, team, let's try moving to position B.
Lupie rolls over.
Brain: OK lungs a couple of more deep relaxing breaths and...
Left Shoulder: Pain pain pain pain pain. Did I mention I'm in pain!
Brain: Sorry team, it looks like a trip to the medicine cabinet.
Right Eye: While we're there can we get some eye gel? My lid feels like it's glued on.
Left Eye: Same here, and I'm all gritty and sore.
Nose: If we're doing all that, can I have a bit of nasal spray? I'm all blocky, and if I don't get some help I'll be dripping down Throat soon and causing all kinds of trouble.
Brain: OK. Anyone else need anything from the medicine cupboard? Right, lets go get pain pills, eye gel and nasal spray. Everyone up.
Right Ankle: Ouch
Left Ankle: Ouch
Right Ankle: Ouch
Left Ankle: Ouch
Brain: Are you guys going to do that the whole way to the medicine cupboard!
Right Ankle: Sorry. Ouch!
Left Ankle: Didn't mean to cause a bother. Ouch!
Brain: You'll get some of the pain pill.
Right Ankle: Didn't want to complain, but Ouch!
Fully medicated, Lupie returns to bed.
Gut: Grumble, rumble, roll! Grrrrrrrrowwwwwwllllllllll! Hey Brain, did you authorise this chicken sandwich from lunchtime?
Brain: Yes but, they didn't have any gluten free options.
Gut: Gurgle. Sclurgle. Groan. If there's nothing gluten free, we don't eat.
Brain: I know you don't like it, but it was time for pills, and we have to have food with pills.
Gut: Rrrrruruuuummmmmbbbbbbbbllllllleeeeee. Weren't you going to keep an apple in the handbag for times like that?
Brain: Yes, that was the plan. But I keep forgetting to do it. I forget lots of things.
Gut: Glurge, gurgle. Well, I can't process this. I'm ejecting the lot, now.
Brain: Brown alert! Brown alert! Toilet now. Move team, move!
Right Ankle: Ouch
Left Ankle: Ouch
Right Ankle: Ouch
Left Ankle: Ouch
Right Ankle: Ouch
Left Ankle: Ouch
Right Ankle: Ouch
Left Ankle: Ouch
Lupie makes it to the toilet in time, and half an hour later, much paler and shaking, returns to bed.
Brain: OK Team, that was close, but we made it. Gut, are you sure you're OK?
Gut: A bit wobbly, but OK. Just be careful at breakfast time.
Brain: Left Shoulder?
Left Shoulder: It's kind of bearable. Pain scale maybe five out of ten. Pretty good really.
Brain: OK anyone else got anything to say?
Left Hip: Well, I didn't want to mention it, and I know I didn't say anything earlier, but that painkiller hasn't helped me much at all.
Left Thumb: Yeah, I've got a bit of pain going on here as well.
Left Wrist: Same here.
Right Big Toe: Yeah, I'm ....
crunch! .... Oh no, I'm OK now. Go ahead.
Brain: So we've got a bit of breakthrough pain. We've slept through that before, we can do it tonight. Lungs, deep relaxing breaths, if you will....