I've just added a forum page to Sometimes, it is Lupus.
It's another way to communicate with other lupies who follow this blog. You can join in discussions, answer questions, all those forum-type things. (I'm being very vague here because I don't know how people are going to use it, until people start using it.)
The forum's powered by Nabble, so the first time you contribute to the conversation, you'll be asked to set up a Nabble account. The cost of having the forum on this site, is that Nabble will put ads on it.
Be aware, that what you say will be publicly visible. And please, no matter how much you feel they're appropriate, refrain from rude words - kids can see this site (and some kids do have lupus, so it's appropriate that they can see this site.)
To kick the conversation off, I've asked the question: what's the dumbest thing anyone's said to you?